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Biden Clinton Cruz Kasich Rubio Sanders Trump And Warren Join Forces

WEB Presidential Candidates on Judge Garland's Nomination

Biden, Clinton, Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Sanders, Trump, and Warren Join Forces

Bipartisan Group Comes Together to Support Judge Garland's Nomination to the Supreme Court

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a remarkable show of unity, eight of the leading presidential candidates from both parties today joined forces to support President Obama's nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. The group, which included both Democrats and Republicans, issued a joint statement praising Judge Garland's qualifications and experience, and calling on the Senate to hold hearings and vote on his nomination without delay. "Judge Garland is a brilliant jurist with a distinguished record of service," the candidates said in their statement. "He is widely respected by his colleagues, and he has a deep understanding of the law and the Constitution." The candidates also expressed their concern about the Senate's refusal to hold hearings on Judge Garland's nomination, which they called "unprecedented and irresponsible." They urged the Senate to put aside partisan politics and do its duty by giving Judge Garland a fair hearing. "The American people deserve to have a full and open debate on Judge Garland's nomination," the candidates said. "We urge the Senate to hold hearings and vote on his nomination without delay." The joint statement was signed by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senator Bernie Sanders, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Ohio Governor John Kasich, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz, and businessman Donald Trump.
